Winter Party 2006
Welcome to the Winter Party, with thanks to Celia and Lenny, our gracious hosts, and Carol, our organizer!
The Social Committee: Mike and Carol
Jay, Gisela, Celia, Lenny and Ron
Bob and Mandy
Lenny tops up another drink!
Next door neighbors: Joan and Gisela
Bob and Lenny
Jane photographing the photographer!
Norma tickling Bob
Lenny starts the first story
Gathered for Story-telling. Len's turn
Donna, Lance and Bob
Long-time friends Celia and Roz
Old newbies, Paul & Mandy - New newbies, Dara & Evan
Lenny and Carol survey the food selection.
Gisela and Klause, with what's left of the tarts.
Jay and Shirley and delicious dip.
Joe, Nancy and Roz
Mike and Bob, mellow, not blurred.
Len and Lance plan a trip to Mars. Paul and Mandy, chicken delight.
'Til the next time...
Roz, Joe and Carol saying goodnight.